Concertmate 380 Aleatron
Concertmate 380 Aleatron - Like the Concertmate 350, this is a Casio clone (this time a Casio SA-5). There are 25 tones/patches, each with three variations (or tone edits) which make things interesting. There are also a swath of wacky rhythms and accompaniments, which become broken down and distorted in interesting ways via the mods.Aphex Twinkle | How "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" might sound if Aphex Twin messed with it. |
Loops 1 | Some of the twisted industrial sounds to be had. Notice how the bass note drops out -- a good example of triggered variations. |
Loops 2 | Similar to the last one, but with quite a heavy buzz over the top. |
Loops 3 | An awesome sample-and-hold-style arpeggio amid grinding machine chaos. |
Loops 4 | It can be contemplative as well. |
Gunner/Melody | The subtle juxtaposition of machine-gun percussion followed by a snatch of jaunty self-destructing melody. |